.. _installation: ############ Installation ############ ************ Requirements ************ 1. NCBI Datasets (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/docs/v1/quickstarts/command-line-tools/) ************************************ GTAX with Python virtual environment ************************************ GTAX python installation ======================== Python 3.7 or above should be installed. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> python3 -m venv gtax_venv localhost:~> source gtax_venv/bin/activate (pm4ngs_venv) localhost:~> pip install wheel (pm4ngs_venv) localhost:~> pip install gtax GTAX python env activation ========================== For activating the virtual env: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> source gtax_venv/bin/activate (pm4ngs_venv) localhost:~> gtax -v GTAX version: 0.0.1 ************************ GTAX with Conda/BioConda ************************ Conda installation ================== Conda_ should be already installed and configured using these commands: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh localhost:~> sh Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh localhost:~> conda config --add channels defaults localhost:~> conda config --add channels bioconda localhost:~> conda config --add channels conda-forge GTAX conda installation ======================= GTAX should be installed in a Conda virtual environment named *gtax*: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> conda create -n gtax gtax GTAX conda env activation =========================== For activating the conda env: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> conda activate gtax localhost:~> gtax -v GTAX version: 0.0.1 .. _Conda: https://github.com/conda/conda